Pancakes. Discover sugar-free alternatives for your sweet tooth

Consider This Your Wake Up Call

Breakfast isn’t just the most important meal of the day — it also happens to be the sweetest. Let’s face it, many breakfast faves — warm blueberry pancakes drizzled in syrup, crispy squares of cinnamon toast, perfectly tart cranberry scones with a cup of coffee – could just as easily be found on a dessert menu.

It’s no surprise, then, that these are usually a special treat, rather than an everyday part of the morning routine. 

Better-for-You Sweet Tooth Solutions for Breakfast

Steel cut oats, avocado toast and Greek yogurt are solid standby staples, but there are some mornings where you just want to run into a bakery and eat all of the doughnuts.

These are the kinds of mornings that can ruin a whole day – or if you really go for it, a whole week – of diet and exercise. 

So when your sugar cravings simply won’t take no for an answer, opt for these better-for-you Sweet Tooth Solutions:



 Instead of using five mixing bowls, a dozen ingredients and consuming countless calories, how about going for a two-bowl, two-ingredient recipe. Sound crazy? Well, it is crazy. 

Crazy delicious! *rimshot*

Simply mash two ripe bananas in a bowl, and combine with two whisked eggs. 

Then, cook as you would pancakes and voila – you have a naturally sweet pile of pillow-y goodness. 

If you’re looking for a little something extra, top with Pyure’s maple-flavored syrup, made with organic stevia.


Sugary Cereal

Part of a complete breakfast? Not exactly. 

But hey, sometimes the nostalgia hits and only that one cereal will do. 

When that happens, try a mix of fresh fruits and berries topped with a dose of seeds for that satisfying crunch. 

Better yet, toast and toss your seeds with a mix of cinnamon and organic stevia for that true cereal taste and feel.



Wait, but juice is healthy! Not exactly. 

A single glass of orange juice can contain more calories and nearly the same amount of sugar as a serving of soda. 

And believe it or not, this also holds true for some of the “healthier” green juices on the market.

So, when looking for a sweet beverage to pair with breakfast, cut up whatever fruits are in the fridge and toss them in a pitcher of sparkling water. 

It not only tastes great, but it looks fancy, and it’s super easy!

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